
Veb programiranje


Veb programer vidi stvari drugačije. Kada vidi kod, dobro razume kako sistemi, softver i alati funkcionišu zajedno. Ako želite da imate prodavnicu, imate više valuta, B2B sitstem, automatski delite svoj blog na društvenim medijima ili napravite internu listu e-pošte.. onda vam je potreban programer.Osnovni veb sajt od 5 stranica je samo brošura na mreži, dok se programer ne dočepa koda i alata. Ovde se magija zaista dešava. Kod i njgova integracija su ključni za funkcionisanje vašeg sajta.Veb programiranje je neophodn, da vaš veb-sajt radi za vas kao i da se sajt integriše u potpuno funkcionalan marketinški sistem.

web developing coding


Jedna od najvažnijih stvari koje treba uzeti u obzir prilikom pisanja koda je zapravo planiranje njegovog pisanja. Ako se kod piše sa samo krajnjim ciljem na vidiku, onda je to lako, jer je za čist i kvalitetan kod potrebno malo više vremena.

Korišćenje ispravnih konvencija imenovanja je odličan početak. Različitim elementima izvornog koda, kao što su klase, objekti, metode i funkcije, treba dati smislena imena kako bi se izbegla zabuna i da bi bili očigledni drugom programeru i mašini koja ih čita. Razmak i formatiranje su od vitalnog značaja za čisto kodiranje sa ljudske tačke gledišta, jer vrlo malo nas može da pogleda kod, a da se ne izgubi u njemu. Međutim, važno je da se ovo uradi kako treba, jer previše nasumičnih razmaka i praznina može povećati veličinu datoteke što utiče na vreme učitavanja sajta. Doslednost je takođe ključna. Ako se pobrinemo da svo naše osoblje poštuje naše konvencije za čisto kodiranje (osim ako nemaju bolju ideju za nešto, u kom slučaju bismo usvojili ovu novu metodu u naše konvencije), onda će našem osoblju biti lako da pređe na različite projekte kada je potrebno.

A good web developer knows that they are not simply writing code for the computer to read. They will make sure that their code can be read by others, and most importantly, their future selves. We want to make sure that the code we write for our clients is clean because as mentioned before, if all of our developers are using the same coding conventions we can avoid costly and time-consuming bug fixes and rewriting problematic code. If one of our clients comes back to us months after we originally built their websites with some changes, we will be able to easily do so because with clean code, it won’t matter who is jumping in on the project as it should make sense to anyone.

It can also cause problems for the future if the code needs to be reworked or rewritten. Often the easiest solution seems to be to just rework the code to fix the problem, when it may just complicate things further and create a larger mess. Completely rewriting the code cleanly might look like it is the more time consuming option in the short term but it will save the developer finding themselves in the same dilemma down the track. It’s one of those situations where taking more time early on will save huge headaches down the track making it the most time and cost effective solution.


Page loading time is one of the factors that affect a website’s search engine rankings, as users are more likely to close the page if they have to wait longer. The longer a user is spending on your website the better; for you it means that they are reading your content, looking at your offerings and actually having a better experience. This in turn means that a search engine will recognise that your website is valuable and be more likely to rank it higher. Bad coding can affect the loading time with unnecessary elements, bad formatting and a larger file size for the source code often being culprits. By fixing these issues and keeping the code clean for the search engines it will improve your site’s SEO and bring in more traffic.

Send Us a Message

    We are confident that if you work with us for your web development we will deliver you a website that is beautiful both inside and out.

    Clean coding is not something you should worry about as a customer of ours however, because this is not something that you’ll be paying a premium for, it’s what we offer as our standard practice.

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